Friday, April 3, 2009

Thoughts from the Road.

Well, i spent a very long time in the car riding to Tennessee. It gives a person a long time to think. In my case, thats not always good. I have a lot of things on my heart and mind lately. They are burdens I know only the Lord can help me handle, but I am also at a very happy time in my life. I am thoroughly enjoying my new place and newfound freedom and responsibility. However, I do think it is funny that as soon as I don't have to ask to do things, I have spent everynight holed up in my apartment with loads of homework. Oh well, such is life. 

I am about to leave the hotel to attend my beautiful and amazing Aunt Fawn's viewing and then tomorrow is the the funeral. This is going to be harder than I want to realize and I would very much appreciate prayers for my family, especially my Uncle Ralph. I suspect the services, as they always do, will make me think alot about life and its value, about making the time I have count. I am sure it will inspire another blog. 

I am off. . . I will blog again soon. After all, there is nothing else to do, stuck in this hotel room. 

like the new Rascal Flatts song. . . i guess, Here Comes Goodbye. :(