Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Beauty of Adoption

Hey there. . . 

SO today I think I went through about every emotion known to man. Today we got to celebrate the adoption of a very special boy. His name is Devin Jason Rumeau. My family came to know him when my mom's best friend volunteered as a tutor for a foster home. She became Devin's mentor and got permission to bring him to church. He became a part of our sunday school class and a HUGE part of my heart. We were there with him and praying for him as a couple families showed interest and then ended up backing out for one reason or the other and it broke my heart. There is something so special and strong about him. Then, the Rumeau's came along. They are such beautiful people. I couldn't have picked a better family, and seeing them together today made me know that God created Devin specifically for that family and he knew they would be together since before time began.

The only bittersweet thing about it is that I miss seeing him every week. He became like a little brother to me, and I remember us being in skits at church. One time we had to act like a married couple. He is so hilarious. I remember one day when we were talking about how great the Rumeau's were and how we really hoped they decided to adopt Devin, and my mom told me that had they not come along, they were seriously considering looking into adopting him. In a way it surprised me, but at the same time it didn't because I know how much my family loves him. Also, my Dad was in a children's home at Devin's age and I know he can really relate to him. After that day, I struggled with this sadness. Don't get me wrong, he belongs with the Rumeaus and I am SO happy for him, but it was just crazy to think that he could have been my little brother. 

I just can't wait to see him grow up with his amazing new family and do great things. I am so happy for him and proud of him, as well as extremely blessed to have been a character in a chapter of his life's story.

One thing that this experience did for me was affirm in my heart my own desire to adopt one day and change the life of a child the way the Rumeau's have changed Devins. :) 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

If it's not for sale.

    We had to do a discussion in my psychology class the other day about whether we think men and women are treated differently in today's society. I quickly responded that it is very obvious this still happens. However, I am tired of women always blaming men. I am not saying some blame doesn't rest upon their shoulders. In a professional aspect, there is no reason a woman should get any less pay to preform the same tasks at the same level a man can. 

However, I think the main thing today is that women always get hostile about the way men perceive them. They call men dogs and are so quick to talk about how they always think the wrong things and how they are creeps. Listen here honey. . . if it isn't for sale. . DON'T PUT IT ON DISPLAY! Women walk around barely dressed, drawing attention to all the wrong areas and then demand respect! It's absurd. I hate that women today get  a bad rap for using things like that to get what the want. As a Christian young woman who is trying to just live right and be a Godly person worthy of a Godly man someday, I am tired of it. I have a T-shirt that says "Modest is Hottest". I love it. That's how I truly feel. If the only way you can get attention is by belittling yourself, then it's probably the wrong kind of attention for all the wrong reasons. 

          When a guy meets me on the street or passes me in the hall on campus, there will be nothing to distract him from looking at my face. I DEMAND respect, and I do what is necessary to deserve that respect. I want to be loved for the beauty on the inside before the beauty on the outside. 

It breaks my heart to see these girls pass me buy on campus. I feel for them. I want them to realize that they are worth more. Ladies, don't settle for being that girl who has nothing special for her future husband because every guy that passes her on the street has already seen it. And guys, do your best to respect them, and please, show the right kind of girls some love. haha. that last part is a joke. 

Just a little disclaimer, I am not a nun and I do not look super different from the rest of the world, but I will honor myself and my future husband by doing what is right. 

Can I get a witness???

Friday, February 6, 2009

Healing for the Broken. . .

I think one of the worst feelings a person can experience is life is helplessness. Not just helplessness in general but helplessness when it comes to protecting one of the people you love the most in this world. I spent much of my evening holding one of my best friends as her heart was breaking. I just held her and cried with her. I hope what I said helped but overall I just felt like my words weren't enough. I wanted to fix things for her. I wanted to make her whole, to put a bandaid over all the scars he has left on her heart. I know that is impossible, but when you love someone, that is all you want to do. 
Without going into detail, the basis of what happened was that we ran into to guy she was dating for a year. Things just recently ended, yet there he stood right in front of us with another girl. I just held her as she cried and said, "He promised to love me forever. How does that just go away? Was I not worth it?" It broke my heart into more pieces than I can count to see her hurting that way. Part of me wanted to lay into him, I wanted him to know how much her hurt her and I wanted him to hurt just as much. The rational side of me however knew that wouldn't help anyone. As much as I wanted to do more for her, all I could do was be there for her, prove that I would always be there even though he left. She reminded me of myself not so long ago. I wasn't going through a relationship situation, but my philosophy in life was that people always leave. 
The only thing that changed my perspective, the only thing that made me realize that I was loved no matter how badly other people, who claimed to care, treated me was that I had my faith. I have a Savior who gave his life for me. He thought I was worth it. I saw my friend putting herself down because of one stupid boy who didn't deserve her anyway. I wish I could make her understand that she is worth it. I wish every girl out there could know that they are worth it. People disappoint and people fail us, but God will never fail. God will always love and cherish us. 

Tonight was just another example to me of "love" in this world. Promises mean nothing to most people and love is just a word people say without taking time to understand the meaning. How many people tell every person they date those words? I have never said that to someone because it has never been true yet. It is something I hold very important, something I will say to one man, and one man only. I don't want this world's cheap love. I see, as I saw tonight, the pain it leaves behind when it ends.