Without going into detail, the basis of what happened was that we ran into to guy she was dating for a year. Things just recently ended, yet there he stood right in front of us with another girl. I just held her as she cried and said, "He promised to love me forever. How does that just go away? Was I not worth it?" It broke my heart into more pieces than I can count to see her hurting that way. Part of me wanted to lay into him, I wanted him to know how much her hurt her and I wanted him to hurt just as much. The rational side of me however knew that wouldn't help anyone. As much as I wanted to do more for her, all I could do was be there for her, prove that I would always be there even though he left. She reminded me of myself not so long ago. I wasn't going through a relationship situation, but my philosophy in life was that people always leave.
The only thing that changed my perspective, the only thing that made me realize that I was loved no matter how badly other people, who claimed to care, treated me was that I had my faith. I have a Savior who gave his life for me. He thought I was worth it. I saw my friend putting herself down because of one stupid boy who didn't deserve her anyway. I wish I could make her understand that she is worth it. I wish every girl out there could know that they are worth it. People disappoint and people fail us, but God will never fail. God will always love and cherish us.
Tonight was just another example to me of "love" in this world. Promises mean nothing to most people and love is just a word people say without taking time to understand the meaning. How many people tell every person they date those words? I have never said that to someone because it has never been true yet. It is something I hold very important, something I will say to one man, and one man only. I don't want this world's cheap love. I see, as I saw tonight, the pain it leaves behind when it ends.
Isn't it amazing how we throw the word love around! I love cheesecake, love my car, love reading. We have really misused the word.