Today has been absolutely amazing thus far and It is only 4pm. I am at a point where pretty much everything about my life is changing, and as crazy and scary as the ride is, I am absolutely loving every minute of it.
For one, in less than two weeks I will have a new home. I have started packing. You don't realize all the random things you have accumulated over you life until you have to pack it all up into boxes. jeesh. It is insane, but I am so excited that in less than two weeks I should be all settles into my condo that I will share with my sister, and eventually Lizzie as well. That is a picture of me with my very first rent check :)
Second, I was accepted to UCF today. I have my A.A. and I will be transferring to get my degree in English Language Arts Education. I am excited, and extremely, extremely intimidated. However, it will be such a different experience and I am very happy to be a UCF knight. Yessss :)
I had a blast shopping for my new apartment today. Ahhh. It was a blast. I am so very thankful for my friends. They have made my life so very happy and worthwhile. I love you girls!!!
I am off to hang out with Katie. . . more to come soon. Well, maybe. Katie is setting me up on wordpress tonight. :)