Thursday, September 2, 2010
One Second
If you are like me, and most other people, you have dreams and plans for the future. When we are little we dream about what we want to be when we grow up. When we are in high school we dream about living on our own and staying up late. When we are in college we dream about that ever-elusive graduation day. After that our dreams begin to include someone else. We dream about marriage, career, family, etc. We begin to make plans for all the things we've always been told to wait for. Well finally they come. You find someone you can't live without, or you find that passion for a career that you've worked hard to find a place in, you have that sweet little baby, you buy a house, etc. We all have our own dreams, some similar and some vastly different. The point is we all make plans and work toward a certain goal or dream in life. Well, I was faced with a question recently:
What if everything changed in one split second?
A couple of weeks ago, my boyfriend was hit by a car. Thank goodness he is alright and his bumps and bruises and fractures are healing. However, it was a moment to stop and think. What if something worse had happened? It was a painful and terrifying thing to consider. One split second of a difference could have changed everything as he would have been hit more severely. I remember sitting in the ER, waiting through the x-rays and such just thanking and thanking God, and then thanking him some more. Like I said, we eventually find that person that we can't live without. I had to consider that I could've lost that. I mean it is something that will become a regular thought as my courageous man can't wait to save people's lives as a firefighter.
Well, I can tell you that it was impossible to get upset at anything he did for weeks because all I wanted to do was sit with him and hug him and just be thankful I have him. But it was definitely a thought-provoking situation.
So, I ask you, what do you love so much that you can't live without it?
I am blessed to not only have an amazing boyfriend that is my forever, but I have a BEAUTIFUL family and great friends. I have a great church that I am involved in and I am loving getting my education. My life is wonderful, and I was reminded to NEVER take any of those things for granted.
I encourage you to hug your loved ones a little tighter today, send out some I love you text messages or call some people you haven't spoken to in a while. Because life is too short and it is never guaranteed. Everything could change in one second so don't waste that second holding grudges or taking for granted the wonderful gifts God has given you.
Just a thought for Just this second of your time :)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Picture Purposes Only!
Friday, June 25, 2010
I may not be on the fast track, but I'm still strapped in for the ride.
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Well, tomorrow we are going the St. Augustine area. Vin and I were given a gift certificate for a photo shoot with Sara Purdy Photography. I can't wait :) I bought us coordinating outfits. Yah, I'm a dork like that. We are having famly breakfast in the morning so I will be up making pancakes and eggs for my favorite peoples <3 Yay! It's gonna be a greaaattt Saturday!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
17 days, 13 months, nearing the end of a week.
Today was the seventeenth day of reading through the Bible in 90 Days. I finished up Joshua and started in Judges. The recurring theme, over the last few book of the Bible actually, has been the complete incompetence of the Israelites. (Sorry to be so harsh). Through the leadership of Moses, all the way through Joshua, the Israelites proved to me the most fickle, untrusting people I have ever seen. I look at their journey and see all of the incredible miracles the Lord preformed right before their eyes and the absolute grace that can be seen over them. However, throughout it all the complained over and over about leaving Egypt, about not having meat or water, etc. They doubted God at every turn. It seemed to me that every few chapters, either their leader, an angel of the Lord, or God himself had to give the Israelites a history lesson on all he had already done for them before they would press on any further. It seems completely silly looking at them from the outside perspective. However, if we take a step back and think is it possible the we do the same things?
Have we not all doubted God? Even if you haven't, you can bet their has been a time where you have a least questioned God, whether it be something He did or the methods by which He did it. How silly is it that God has to give us a little review over everything He has already done for us, which we can all say is a whoolllleee LOT of good things, before we will trust Him with the next thing, the next situation, the next decision. As I keep the story of the Israelites in mind, it gives the phrase, "Just give it to God" a whole new meaning. It is something I am going to focus on from here on out. I need not complain, God has supplied my every need. I need not worry, He knows everything from my beginning to my end. I need not grumble, His ways are higher than mine. I need not question, He is always right!
Todays marks my thirteen month anniversary with my best friend. Vincent Michael Hahr is certainly one of the good things God has done for me. I feel so unworthy to have been given such a blessing. I am amazed at God for bringing me someone who knows me better than anyone else ever has, without me having to explain myself. Someone who makes up for my weaknesses and knows just how to make bad days better. I don't think there are the right words to express how lucky I am, but I love my boyfriend that's for sure.
Well, it has been a VERY full and fun week in East Tennessee. There is nothing like learning about your heritage, seeing where your family came from and spending some quality time with loved ones. I have loved everything about this trip. Although, I am sure that all this Southern cooking killed the five pounds I lost last week. Darn! Tomorrow, we leave and stop in North Carolina for a little visit before heading home. Boy oh boyyyyy am I ready to see some faces and not be driving this car!! So far I have taken about 1,200 pictures. It has been so much fun :)
Until next time, I love you all <3
Saturday, June 12, 2010
On the Road. . .
nor a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?"

Saturday, June 5, 2010
TTBI90D: Days 3-5 and some other happenings :)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
TTBI90D: Day 2!
Through the Bible in 90 Days Challenge: Day 1!
I am very excited to begin a new journey to read the Bible in 90 days. It is a commitment I am making over the course of the summer to commit to reading God’s word. My prayers is that I learn what I have never learned before and that who God is becomes that much more real to me. I want to learn as much as I can. As a result of my journey, I will be blogging about what I get from the reading each day. I would encourage anyone to join in with me. If you’d like to let me know! I ideally would like to blog everyday, but when that isn’t possible, I will still be reading and will catch up the blog as I can.
Day 1: Genesis 1:1-Genesis 16:16
CH 1: As I read the account of creation, I can’t help but marvel at our amazing creator. The intricacy of his design is enough to point men to a savior. I love that when he talked about creating the animals and other things he said to create an “abundance”. You can see Him as a master creator with a vision for His creation. When he begins to talk about creating man and making him in His image, I can almost hear the excitement and love in His voice. Charles Stanley’s study Bible points out a life principle during this passage,
“Our intimacy with God – His highest priority for our lives – determines the impact of our lives.”
How true this is! His desire for intimacy with his most prized creation is clearly seen in this account of creation found in Genesis. It is essential that we deepen that intimacy more and more. Our impact in this lifetime for the kingdom is directly correlated to the level of intimacy we have with God.
CH 2: How awesome is our creator that he knows our ever need and deepest desire. He saw Adam’s need for his missing piece. The relationship God forms in this chapter between man and woman is a beautiful thing. The account of God taking Adam’s rib reminds me of a quote the pastor said during my best friend’s wedding ceremony, “God did not choose a piece of Adam’s head, so that woman would be over him; nor did He select a piece from Adam’s foot, so that he would step on her. Rather, our loving Creator chose man’s rib, so that woman was taken from his side–to be his equal…from under his arm–to be protected by him…and from near his heart–to be loved by him.”
CH 3: One thing that caught my eye in this chapter is that the end is the first time we see “woman” given a name when Adam names her eve. This deception by Satan shows his very nature. He looks for our weakest moments (Eve was alone) and uses our deep desires (Adam and Eve sought knowledge and perfection) and uses them to draw us into sin. I see Eve’s reaction when God finds out about her sin to be much like many of our own’s. She automatically blamed someone else. Isn’t is so easy to say “The Devil made me do it.” rather than dealing with the issues at hand and our own failures before God.
CH 4: I have heard the story of Cain murdering Abel my whole life, growing up in Sunday school. It is so easy to say how awful and unfathomable his actions are, but when I stop to think, I am reminded that without daily walking with God and resting in his grace, I could quickly find myself doing things I never thought I would do. My sins are no worse in the eye’s of God than Cain’s were.
CH 5: I used to think geneologies of who begat who were beyond boring; but when I take time to look at it and really pay attention, there are many things to learn from it. Here we see the family lineage of Adam, which includes Noah himself, future boat enthusiast
CH 6: My favorite quote in this chapter, “Noah walked with God.” If God were to have written about us in his word, could that quote apply to our lives? Would our name be able to be placed where Noah’s is and the word of God remain truth? Now that is something to strive for!
CH 7: Fact, it wasn’t two of every animal that went into the ark. 7 of every clean animal, and 2 of every unclean animal. However, they did enter two by two How excruciating must it have been for a Creator to destroy is beloved creation. How gut-wrenching must it have been for God to look down and only see “wickedness continually” What do you think God is thinking as he looks down at us now, during our generation?
CH 8: I love this beautiful picture of God taking care of those who serve Him. In the midst of a world in chaos, God hand delivered his faithful people. How encouraging!
CH 11: In these geneologies, I learned that Abraham and Lot were descendants from the lineage of Shem, Noah son.
CH 13: What I find interesting about Lot’s decision of which way he wants to take his herd is that it was based solely on aritficial appeal. He did not seek counsel, but rather made a decision on the plains of Jordan because they looked good. Looks can be deceiving though, as we will later see that Sodom and Gommorah, home of so much wickedness and evil, was a part of the land Lot chose.
CH 15: I love what God says to Abram at the beginning of this chapter, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” Those words are wonderful to me, and much needed at this moment!
CH 16: Sarai’s actions in this chapter show a tendency I feel many of us struggle with from time to time. She got to impatient to wait for God to complete His work in her, unfolding his perfect plan in His own time. Rather, she decided to take matters into her own hands, not trusting God to take care of things for her. Many problems start from this choice. I do it so often, I forget that there is a sovereign savior in control of every aspect of my life. There is not need to worry about tomorrow or try to work it out myself, God is already there and has everything set just the way he intends it to go if I will just follow Him and trust.
Wow, day 1 of this challenge was incredibly. I have a heavy heart about a situation, and there is nothing more encouraging than digging into God’s word and reading stories of provision and promise of God to those who trust in him. What a blessing.