Hello all!
I must say that i love love love summer timeeee <3
Before I blog, let me update you on my Bible in 90 Days challenge. We have finished Leviticus and moved into Numbers. After reading Leviticus, and the detailing of the requirements for sacrifices and all other matters, I must say how unbelievably thankful I am for the ultimate sacrifice of our Savior. We would never measure up, but we don't have to. Jesus paid the price; he did it all. I am amazed.
"God is not a man, that he should lie,
nor a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?"
nor a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?"
This passage is found in Numbers, and I just love it. Stop and think. "God is not a man." This is why our understanding of God can only reach so far. Our minds are trapped in our own reality. God is not like us, therefore it is hard for us to fathom the heights and depths of his grace and love. Everything he says comes true, and everything he promises will be fulfilled. What a mighty God we serve!
Well, I am in Columbia, SC staying at the swankiest Holiday Inn I have ever seen! Everything is too pretty to touch! We will continue our journey to Tennessee in the morning. Tonight we ate at OCharlies and my grandfather and I walked around the mall and visited a lifeway in the area. How addicted am I to my job that I feel the need to visit other branches while I am on vacation?! My grandfather has been so adorable. He was so curious and amazed by the mall. Everything was new to him, and it was so fun to watch. He is the funniest little man I have ever known :) He decided to hide in the closet at the hotel and barricade my aunt out of the room. A jokester for sure! I treasure this time with him more than I could ever put into words.
I leave you with some pictures from our last trip to Tennessee. I will post this years when I am back in Orlando :)

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